My private practice is currently CLOSED to new patients.  If you were referred by your therapist or primary care provider, and would like to be placed on a waitlist if/when a spot opens up, please fill out the form below. I will do my best to respond to you within 3-5 business days. 

Please be mindful to NOT send me any time-sensitive or urgent clinical messages here.  I am in the office during business hours only on Mon, Wed, and Fridays. This mailbox is checked a few times a week.  I make outreach phone calls (free, 10-15 min) to potential new patients generally on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.  

**If you are a current patient in the practice - please contact me directly by 1) sending me a message through the onpatient portal, or 2) if you are not able to access the patient portal, you can leave a message on the main office line (206) 588-5578.

ONLINE PATIENT PORTAL ACCESS!  If you are an established patient and have already accepted your registration invite from Mindful Cathy - you can access and view your health record at any time through ONPATIENT (click here). If you want me to re-send you an invite, let me know by emailing me at 

It's a great way to check your appointment time, schedule/cancel/reschedule appointments, pay online any outstanding visit balances, send me a secure message (e.g. brief updates, refill question, etc), update your personal and insurance information, correct any contact information, and much more!  

Be kind whenever possible, it is always possible
— Dalai Lama